Tiramisu Ice Cream Sandwiches

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Sometimes an accident in the kitchen turns out to be one of the most delicious things you’ve ever tasted. That’s the case with these tiramisu ice cream sandwiches. These are perfect to make in a big batch for a BBQ or storing in the freezer for a summer snack!


3- 4 waffles

1 tub of mascarpone (16 oz)

1/2 cup of milk

1 packet of paneangeli vanilla

1/3 cup of sugar

1/2 cup heavy cream

6 shots of espresso

1/2 cup of pane di stelle spread

cinnamon for dusting


Use your favorite waffle recipes to make waffles. If you don’t have one, here is the recipe I used: waffle recipe

Let your waffles cool and cut them in four

In a stand mixer, mix together mascarpone, milk, vanilla, sugar and heavy cream

Pour it into a baking dish and freeze for 2-3 hour or overnight

Make your espresso and let it cool

Spread the pane di stelle on each piece of waffle, then lightly dip it in the espresso, cut the ice cream to the shape of the waffle and place it on top and sandwich it with another piece of waffle

Continue to do this until you’ve used up all of your waffle pieces. This should give you 6-8 ice cream sandwiches.

*Note: Depending on the type of baking dish you freeze your ice cream in will depend on the thickness. If you want thicker ice cream freeze in a smaller baking dish, if you want a thinner ice cream sandwich freeze in a bigger baking dish.

Line all of the ice cream sandwiches on a dish and dust with cinnamon.

Pop in the freezer for 5 minutes to set or put in a tupperware for later!

Buon appetito!


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