Calamari and Potatoes

Growing up, whether it was lent or not, fish on Friday was non-negotiable. Not only did that make me a lover of all seafood, but it gave me an arsenal of incredible recipes. Last Friday, my dad whipped this up and I made him sit down and give me the recipe because it’s too good not to share!

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Serves: 4 people


1 pound of calamari, cleaned and cut in 3/4 inch pieces

2 pounds of potatoes, peeled and chopped into bite-sized pieces

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1/2 cut pitted kalamata olives

1 small basket of cherry tomatoes

1 teaspoon of capers, chopped up finely

1/2 shallot chopped fine

2 bay leaves

1 tbsp tomato paste

1/2 cup dry white wine, preferably a pino grigio

1/3 cup olive oil

salt, black pepper and red pepper to taste

parsley for garnish


You can buy already cleaned and cut calamari at your local fish market, but if they only have the whole one you will have to clean it and cut it into 3/4 inch rings at home

Peel and chop your potatoes into bite-sized pieces

Wash your cherry tomatoes and cut them in half

In a large pot, add oil, garlic, shallots, bay leaves and potatoes and cook on medium flame

Add salt, black pepper and red pepper to taste

Keep stirring the potatoes so they don’t stick to the bottom of the pot and burn

Let the potatoes cook until they are about halfway done and then add the cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives and capers. Let all of this cook together for a couple of minutes

Next add the calamari, white wine and tomato paste and then turn the flame up high so the wine begins to evaporate

You can taste and add more salt to your liking, and depending on how soupy you want the dish, add some hot water. If you want it a bit thicker skip this step

Put the lid on the pot and cook covered for 12-15 minutes on medium flame. Taste your calamari and if it is tender, then it’s ready!

Drizzle it with some evoo and garnish with parsley. Serve immediately

Buon appetito!


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