Apricot Crostata

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Crostata remind me of summer in Italy. A summer morning when you swing open the windows and breathe in the fresh Italian air and sit on the balcony with an espresso and a slice of crostata made with homemade jam. Is there anything better? Until we can all get back to Italy, this apricot crostata recipe will have to hold us over!


2 cups of all-purpose flour

1/3 cup of sugar

1 stick of butter chopped into cubes

1 egg

1/4 cup of milk (add more if your dough is too dry)

zest on 1 lemon

1 jar of apricot jam (250g) — you can use any flavor jam you have on hand!


In a stand mixer, add flour, sugar, butter, egg, milk and lemon zest and mix with the dough hook attachment. If you don’t have a stand mixer, add everything to a bowl and kneed with your hands until you have a firm dough.

Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for an hour covered with plastic wrap.

Put your dough on a floured surface and cut 1/3 of it and save it to the side.

Roll the larger piece of dough to the side of your tart tin or pie dish.

Put the dough on top of the buttered dish and press down.

Cut the excess dough with a ravioli cutter to make the ridge design all the way around.

Add the jam to the pie shell and spread it around so you have a nice thick layer all around.

Use your excess dough and roll it out and cut into 1/2 inch strips with a ravioli cutter.

Make a lattice design on the top of the pie like the picture above.

Bake at 350 F for 30-35 minutes or until it’s golden brown.

Buon appetito!


Swordfish Puttanesca

