
Arancini, also known as rice balls, brings me the kind of nostalgia and comfort I can’t really explain. They transport me back to a simpler time in life. I have the fondest memories of ordering a big rice ball from one of my favorite pizzeria as a kid. Sometimes nothing hits the spot like a nice pipping hot arancini with sauce on it.

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2 cups of risotto cooked and completely cooled

1 cup of peas, if frozen make sure you thaw them

1 can of Tomato sauce

1 mozzarella

1 cup breadcrumbs

1 cup flour

3 eggs

olive oil for frying

salt and pepper to taste


Cook your risotto according to package instructions. You want your risotto to be completely cooled before making your arancini. Pop it in the fridge for about an hour so the risotto really binds together.

Thaw out your peas. I usually just soak my frozen peas in water for 5 minutes and then drain.

Cut your mozzarella into bite sized cubes.

Cook your sauce for about a half hour. If you don’t have a sauce recipe* see the bottom for a simple one!

Take 3 bowls, one for your whisked egg, one for flour and one for breadcrumbs.

How to form the arancini

Take enough risotto to fill the palm of your hand and pack it together

Next, add your peas, about 4-5.

Next, add your cube of mozzarella

Take another palm full of risotto and pack it on top and begin to compact it all together until it forms a ball.

Once you have a nice firm risotto ball, roll it in the flour, then the egg and finally the breadcrumbs.

Continue until you use up all of your risotto.

Heat olive oil on the stove to about 150 F. You should have enough oil in the pot to completely cover the arancini. Drop 2 arancini in at a time. You don’t want to overcrowd them.

Fry them for 4-5 minutes or until golden brown.

Take them out of the oil and lay them on a paper towel to soak up excess oil.

Cut in half and put your sauce in the middle.

Note: I got 9 medium sized arancini out of this recipe but it depends on how big or small you prefer yours.


*Simple sauce:

Heat oil and 2 garlic cloves in a pot until it begins to brown

Next, add the sauce in the pot and cook on low heat for 30 minutes

Add salt and dried oregano for flavor


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