Pistachio Cupcakes with Pan di Stelle Frosting

If you’re looking for a cupcake that impresses…look no further. This isn’t your plain old vanilla cupcake with frosting and sprinkles. This fluffy pistachio cupcake with a chocolate pan di stelle frosting puts all other cupcakes in their place.


Yield: 12 cupcakes



1 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

pinch of salt

2 eggs

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup room temperature butter

1 pack of paneangeli vanillina

1/2 cup milk


1/2 cup butter

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups confectioners sugar

2 tablespoons milk

1/4 cup pan di stelle


In a mixing bowl, add eggs and sugar and beat together. Add vanillina and butter and continue to beat until smooth and creamy.

In another bowl, sift together flour, salt and baking powder

Slowly add your flour mixture to the mixing bowl

Next add your milk and continue to mix until everything is combined and you have a smooth batter

Next add 1/3 cup of pistachio cream, I use this one. Continue to mix until it is all combined

Fill your cupcake liner about 2/3rd of the way and bake at 350 F for 15-20 minutes

While the cupcakes are baking, you can prepare your pan di stelle frosting

Cream your butter in a mixing bowl until smooth

Slowly add the confectioners sugar and mix until it is fluffy

Add vanilla extract, milk, and pan di stelle and beat until everything is combined and you have a fluffy frosting

Let your cupcakes fully cool and place your frosting in a pipping back

Pipe your frosting on your cupcakes and add sliced strawberries on top

Buon apetito!


Crema al Caffè


Frozen Aperol Spritz