Pasta with Lentils

This dish instantly transports me back to my childhood. I can vividly remember my grandma sitting in a chair breaking up linguine or spaghetti to make pasta with lentils. The smell and taste give me instant comfort, which is what I think we all need right now.



1 pound of spaghetti or linguine

1 1/2 cups of lentils

2 carrots chopped

2 stalks of celery chopped

2 tablespoons of evoo

4 gloves of garlic

1 32 oz container of vegetable stock

2 bay leaves

salt to taste


In a pot heat oil, garlic, carrots, celery and bay leaves until golden brown

Next add your lentils and mix them around so they get coated in the oil and vegetables

Add the vegetable stock, you may need to add water as the lentils cook and soak up the stock

Add salt and cook the lentils on medium heat until they are tender

While the lentils are cooking break your linguini up into pieces (as pictured above)

Put a pot of water on to boil and cook your pasta according to package instructions. Drain and add it to the pot of lentils

Plate and serve immediately

Buon appetito!


Pasta e Piselli


Pasta with Broccoli