Figs in a Blanket

Saying I love figs would be an understatement. Saying I love figs in a blanket would be an even bigger one. A warm crescent roll with a delicious fig tucked into it, drizzle some honey, sprinkle some rosemary and you’re in heaven. Did I mention it only takes 20 minutes to make them?

Yield: 16 figs in a blanket


2 packs of crescent rolls (8 rolls in each)

8 figs cut in half with the stem but off

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon rosemary

4 tablespoons butter

honey for drizzling

black pepper to taste


Cut all of your figs in half and then but the stems off (as shown in the video above)

Lay all of your crescent rolls out and place half a piece of fig at the top of each one

Drizzle some honey on the fig and roll up the crescent roll

In a small pot, add butter, salt and rosemary. Put the pot in the stove on low heat until the butter melt

Place your crescent rolls on a baking sheet lined with foil

Using a brush, brush the rosemary butter mixture onto each crescent roll

Place in the oven at 350 F for 15-17 minutes or until golden brown

Transfer them to a serving dish

Drizzling with more honey and sprinkle with black pepper

Buon appetito!


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