Egg Pasta Dough

Not only is making your own pasta dough so much fun but it also taste so much better! I love making pasta and the proccess is somewhat theraputic for me. Certain pastas require an egg based dough because they are longer and need to be stretched. These types of pastas include pappardelle, tagliatelle, ravioli, and lasagna sheets.

Yield: 1lb of pasta


2 cups 00 flour

3 eggs

1 tsp on salt


If you have a stand mixer, you can add all of the ingredients to it and let the stand mixer go on medium speed for about 10 minutes until you have a well combined dough.

If you donโ€™t have a stand mixer, you can put your flour on your counter or a wood board and add the salt to it, mix to combine it, then create a well in the center of the flour and drop your eggs into it. Slowly keep adding the flour from the outside to the center of the well and mix. Keep kneading the dough until it all comes together and you have a nice smooth dough.

Let it rest for 30 minutes before using.


Semolina Pasta Dough


Bucantini allโ€™Amatriciana