Cream Puffs with Custard Filling

One of my all time favorite desserts are cream puffs. When done correctly they’re light, airy and have a bit of crunch! My homemade custard filling in the perfect creamy delicious finish. They definitely require a bit of practice to get just right, but when you do, they’ll become one of your favorites!

Yield: 16 cream puffs


Cream Puffs:

1 cup water

1/2 cup olive oil

pinch of salt

1 cup of flour

4 eggs


3 1/2 cups of milk

4 tbsp cornstarch

1 cup sugar

3 egg yolks

3-4 strips of lemon peel


Cream Puffs:

To make your cream puffs, take a medium-sized pot and add the water, oil and salt. Bring to a boil and then lower the flame and mix in the flour. Make sure to mix constantly until the dough comes together and there is no raw flour in sight.

Transfer the dough to your stand mixer or a bowl and you can use a hand mixture and let them dough mix for a couple of minutes to cool it down and let some of the steam escape.

Once the mixture is cool, add one egg at a time and continue to mix. Keep doing this until all of the eggs are mixed into the dough. You will have a nice creamy batter when you’re done.

Using two teaspoons take some of the batter and pass it back and forth on the spoons until you have a nice round ball. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet and continue until you finish all of the batter.

Preheat the oven to 400F and bake for 20 minutes. Then without opening the oven, drop the temperature to 375F and bake for another 15-20 minutes or until golden.

Once they are done, place on a wire rack and allow to cool completely before filling.


In a small pot, add the milk, sugar, corn starch, egg yolks and lemon peels.

Over medium-high flame continually mix until you have a nice creamy custard.

This will take a while to come together but trust me, it will go from super liquidy to creamy custard, just keep mixing!

When it becomes a custard, take it off the flame and allow it to cool fully and set before pipping your cream puffs.

To see videos on how I made the cream puff and custard check out my Instagram here.

Buon Appetito!


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