Crab Sauce

Crab sauce might just be my all time favorite pasta sauce. There is just nothing better than the flavor infused into the sauce after it cooks low and slow for hours. Pair it with a nice glass of wine and some crispy bread for cleaning up with the plate with and you’re in heaven.


1 dozen crabs (I usually use blue crabs)

5 cans of 28oz whole peeled tomatoes

6 gloves of garlic, thinly sliced

handful of fresh parsley

handful of fresh basil

3 tablespoons evoo

3 bay leaves

crushed red pepper to taste


Make sure to wash and clean your crabs. You want to try and buy female crabs because they will give you a tastier sauce.

Start by passing all of your whole peeled tomatoes through a food mill. You can blend them in a blender, but I find doing it in the food mill makes for a thicker, creamier sauce.

In a large pot, add the evoo, sliced garlic and bay leaves. When it start to sizzle a bit, add the crabs in and let them cook for a few minutes until they begin to turn more of a reddish color.

Next, add you sauce into the pot and toss in a handful of chopped parsley, basil and some red pepper flakes. Keep the sauce of a low simmer and cook for 5 hours.

When the sauce is almost done, put a pot of salted water on to boil and cook you pasta according to package instructions.

Remove the crabs from the pot and transfer them to a separate bowl. Mix the pasta and sauce together and serve. Garnish with more fresh herbs and enjoy!


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