Fig and Thyme Focaccia

Just when you thought bread couldn’t get any better in comes the focaccia. It’s delicious eaten on its own or used as bread for a sandwich. This outrageous combination of sliced figs, fresh thyme and sea salt is the perfect edition to the table for Sunday dinner or a delicious snack any day of the week!


1 cup warm water

2 teaspoons sugar

1 packet of dry active yeast

3 cups flour

1/4 cup evoo

2 teaspoons sea salt

1 tablespoon fresh thyme

addition salt and evoo for garnish


Add the warm water and sugar to a stand mixer and mix on low with the dough hook attachment.

Add packet of yeast and mix for 2-3 minutes on low until combined.

Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes.

Turn the mixer back on low and slowly add your flour.

Next add the evoo and salt.

Mix on medium speed for 5 minutes. Keep in mind, focaccia dough is a wetter, stickier dough!

Put your dough in a greased bowl and cover with a damp towel. Let it rest for 1-2 hours.

Put your dough on a baking sheet or focaccia pan. You can make your focaccia round or rectangular. Spread it to cover the whole pan.

Poke holes into the dough all over with your finger.

Layer your figs over the top and the fresh thyme. Sprinkle with sea salt and olive oil

Bake at 400 for 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Optional: drizzle more evoo and salt before serving.

Buon appetito!


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