Green Tomatoes in Oil (Pomodori Verdi Sott’Olio)

If you grow your own tomatoes, you know at the end of the season you may be left with a bunch of green tomatoes that you need to pick before the first frost. You have two options with these tomatoes, bring them inside and let them ripen or make pomodori sott’olio with them while they’re still green. This delicious Southern Italian tradition is a must try!


Yield: 1 quart mason jar (32 oz)

500g green tomatoes


1 cup water

1 cup white wine vinegar

1 teaspoon capers

1 teaspoon peppercorns

2 large garlic cloves crushed

1/2 teaspoon oregano

2 tablespoons fresh parsley

enough olive oil to cover the tomatoes in the mason jar


Wash your green tomatoes and slice them thinly

Take a colander and place it over a bowl that it does not touch the bottom of. Take your tomatoes and put them in one layer at a time, salting each layer generously until you finish. Picture it like making a lasagna, each later of pasta need sauce.

Place a plate over the top and place a heavy object on top of it. Let the tomatoes rest this way for 24 hrs. This will allow them to release their juice

The next day take your tomatoes and place them in a smaller bowl and pour equal parts water and white wine vinegar over them. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let them sit for another 24 hrs. Mix them every couple of hours.

The next day, drain your tomatoes and rinse them to get the vinegar and salt off

Add them to a bowl and add any seasonings you would like. I did parsley, garlic, capers, oregano, peppercorns and oil.

Mix it to combine everything well and then transfer it to your mason jar and cover the tomatoes with olive oil.

Let sit for at least a day before eating, but the longer they sit in the mixture the better they’ll taste!


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